Author's Note: Drilling for oil in America's Wildlife is a big issue when the the government does not know whether or not to continue the beauty or take up space. This essay was a little harder to write knowing it was a grade for two classes.
Over many years America has been questioning if we should drill for oil in the great outdoors of Alaska. The government has many reasons for why and why not to drill over the 1.5 million acre stretch along the shore where the oil is known to be. The Inupiat Eskimo people have watched this oil and gas develop. They know that this development can affect many animals, natural resources and overpower some of their lives. Since this I think that the government should not drill for oil until a later time when it is needed.
America has been known for many dreadful oil spills like the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 where 4.9 million barrels were released out into the open water says Deepwater Horizon oil spill. If another one of these crises’ would happen similar to the oil spill 2006 where 267,000 gallons of oil was spilled over 1.9 million acres of the Prudhoe Bay. According to the article Prudhoe Bay oil spill to clean this mess up it would roughly cost 100 million dollars. To drill oil itself with or without machines, it is a lot of money already and to have to use even more money to stop the oil from spreading it would be a bigger loss of money than it already is. In this case why not wait until America really needs the oil. The United States could use this money for many other things, like shelters, education or other important needs that we need for our country.
People think that not many people live in Alaska because of the weather changes along with many other reasons, but I would beg to differ.Numerous people and animals live in this colorful scenery. Many animals like polar bears, grizzlies, Arctic wolves, caribou and the endangered shaggy musk ox, along with several more would lose their habit; some might even get split up from their groups. This sanctuary is so important for the animals because they all have their young on this place known as the “Birthing ground.” Therefore different parts of the wilderness would then be missing.
Despite the fact that drilling for the oil could be a problem for the animals, it could also affect humans as well. The development can take place on the private and public lands inside of the Coastal Plain. Which means buildings, roads, houses, ect could possibly be torn down. Not only will citizens of the area disagree, many people would not like the fact that they might have to move. In this case there would be no way the government could per sew with the drilling
Mother Nature is never to be touched and I feel that drilling for oil would be the wrong thing to do, because of the various animals living there, and for people to live right in the area too. The risk of a spill could be bad financially. Overall the government should not drill for oil in Alaska, and secure the oil until it is needed.
I really like your essay. I think that it is well put together and have a lot of voice and feeling put into it. I think that you did a great job!!