
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Life Without Our Founding Fathers

Author’s Note: This piece was kind of difficult not knowing really how to relate to our “Founding Fathers,” because they aren’t in our time period,” but I think I finally pulled a okay piece together.

Nobody said it was easy having to run the country. Fifty-five different men trying to make the best decisions for our Nation. Some people had other options about the laws that were enforced, but over time they were settled to make America where we are today. As our wonderful country continues to grow, nobody imagines what life would be like without the Founding Fathers. Would we have the same type of government we have today? Would women not be able to vote? Would there still be slaves? These are some questions I would like to ask the Founding Fathers.

In 1607 people came to American for mainly on thing, freedom. Why wouldn’t they make a government similar to the one is Europe? Simply because they did not like it. Only having the King and Queen in charge of the whole country would be unfair because they could make any law they want. This is why we have the type of government we have today. There are different braches involved in every decision. The Expectative which is the president and vice president, the Legislative has the Senate and House of Representatives, and lastly the Judicial which has the Supreme Court. All of these branches have a big impact on the law.

These men decided that women could not vote until they cleared it in 1920. Today women are able to vote, but why would they make the rule that women couldn’t vote in the first place? Many believe that they choose to do this because men were in charge of the house, but today women do not need men to be independent and strong. “Four score and seven years ago,” Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery. African American men and women were treating differently. Why wouldn’t George Washington and the other Founding Fathers before Abe eliminated the law, that changed America forever. Martin Luther King Junior once said “ I have a dream that little white girls and little black boys can play together.” That dream can to reality. Today men and women, black or white, are treated equally.

Would any of our laws we have today be formed without our Founding Fathers? I think that even though many things were not settled they helped our country grow and continue to improve, in many different ways. Our founding Fathers play a big roll on our spectacular country.

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